An astrological consultation is not merely an exchange of information. It is an form of intimate co-operation in an atmosphere of trust and respect for the other. I offer consultations to individuals, (life)partners, as well as workshops and groups. Through the intake, we can decide which approach is the most supportive together.
I work from the perspective that nobody is more of an expert about your life than you are yourself. Only you have been witness to and participated in all the experiences, lessons, and impressions of your life. Only you know precisely where you have come from, where you have been, and where you wish to go. This is how you have grown to be the person you have become.
Nevertheless, it is possible that you may not be conscious of the what lays at the core of certain difficulties in life, exactly because you have experienced these situations so personally and subjectively. Sometimes old beliefs and habits prevent you in developing further in the manner you wish. Perhaps you tend to overlook or underestimate your talents, your positive qualities and skills. For this reason, an objective look by an outsider can reveal insights that have remained a mystery and hidden. By gently guiding you through the labyrinth of potential and consciousness, revealed through an analysis of your horoscope(s), I attempt to guide you to a “Eureka” moment of sudden insight when your own inner wisdom reveals the best answers to your questions.
Additional Information Astrological Consultation
The first step we set together in our journey of discovery is during the orientation process, in which we share information with each other. In this exchange, we can find out if your goals and wishes will be met through my method of working and perspective. We will thus be able to establish if we can expect a fruitful relationship and co-operation.
After receiving your e-mail inquiry, I will send you a short form requesting some specific information. Naturally I will need your birth date, birth place, and the exact time of your birth . The most reliable time in Europe is the time on the birth certificate, which is always on the birth certificate in the records of the Town Registry at the place of birth. The time on the birth certificate is also the preferred source of information for the consultation in other countries, though it can be less reliable. The second best source for the time is your mother’s memory or of others present at the. The time needs to be within at least 15 minutes of exactitude. Inexact times require more work on my part, which will be taken into account in the fee for preparation.
In addition, I will ask you to provide the exact question, situation, or problem you wish to work with. Each consultation focuses on one issue at a time only, as my experience has shown that clients are able to benefit the most from conscious attention a specific situation. The goal of the consultation is to allow you to know which practical steps you can implement in your life to move towards your most cherished desire and highest purpose. I will ask you to provide some background information about the situation we will examine, and your family background. This information is essential for me to extract the information most relevant and helpful to your situation from the vast amount of information astrology provides.
As I tell my clients, the horoscope is a symbolic picture of the pure potential expression of energy at that moment. It is you who have consciously chosen to express the energy in a particular manner in the past. By knowing what you have chosen previously, I can better interpret possible expressions for you now and in the future.
When you send the completed form I will suggest a date approximately two weeks later for the consultation, and provide a bank account/Paypal where the fee for preparation (6 – 10 hours) can be deposited. After payment has been received, the consultation will be made definite. For a Skype consultation, you will need to send your user name. The second half of the fee can be transferred no later than 24 hours before the consultaton.
The (Skype) Consultation
The consultation usually takes between 90 to 120 minutes. I will begin by discussing various aspects of your birth horoscope as it is related to your question or situation, as well as significant experiences related to these aspects. This section will comprise the major emphasis in the consultation. Then I will turn to your “Life Scenario”, or review of various progressive horoscopes as they have interacted events in the 5 years previous to the consultation, as well as developments that can be expected in the coming 5 years. I have regularly received e-mails from previous clients a few years after the consultation in which they tell me that the prognosis that we discussed in the future trends for the coming 5 years indeed materialized.
New information can only be transformed into behavior and experience when there is enough room for it to be integrated in a cognitive-emotional framework. In that sense, we are like to treasure hunters, searching for the precious diamond at the heart of a labyrinth: I have the treasure map, and you have the tools to uncover it and take possession of it.
I will record the consultation and send you a digital audio file via WeTransfer after the meeting. If desired, I will send a copy of your horoscope as well.
You can expect the insights you receive during the consultation, the actions you wish to take, and the decisions that you make to be enough information for at least six to twelve months, even as long as several years. However, in some cases, the situation discussed develops so quickly that a second consultation is desirable after six months. Or, in the case of relationship issues, a second consultation will be planned after each individual consultation has taken place in order for the partners to look at the situation together. Subsequent consultations will be at a reduced fee, as much of the preparation has already been done.
Finally, it is with the utmost warmth and openness that I would like to invite you to explore your potential through an astrological consultation. It is the chance to suddenly become aware of new directions in the journey of discovering your life, the chance to enjoy the opportunities and promise which are your birthright.